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Beemapally Dargah Shareef is one among the ancient places of worship for Muslims in Kerala. This Dargah is located between Valiyathura Junction and Poonthura Junction at Thiruvananthapuram. It is known as home to the tomb of Syedunnisa Beema Beevi, a Muslim woman with divine powers, and her son Syedu Shuhada Maheen Abubacker. It is dedicated to Beema Umma who was a family member of Prophet Mohammed and believed to have great spiritual powers. It is said that both the Beema Umma and her son, Sayyid Shuhada Maheen Aboobaker came to Kerala from Arabia in order to preach Islam. There are two wells at Beemapalli out of which one contains cold water and the other hot water. It is believed that the water in these wells has medicinal properties and effective to cure many diseases. Even during the extreme drought, the water in these wells does not dry. Legand has it that Cheraman Perumal went on a pilgrimage to Arabia where he met Prophet Mohammed at Jeddah. He converted to Islam and his name w
 Cheraman Perumal, of Kodungallur, Kerala, was the first Indian to accept Islam. Many historians have recorded this fact in their writings. For example, M. Hamidulla writes in “Muhammad Rasoolullah (S.A)” quoting some old manuscripts from India Office Library (ref no. Arabic, 2807, 152-173 “There is a very old tradition in Malabar, South-West Coast of India, that Chakrawati Farmas (perhaps another name for denoting Cheraman Perumal) one of their kings, had observed the splitting of the moon, the celebrated miracle of the Holy Prophet at Mecca, and learning on inquiry that there was a prediction of the coming of a Messenger of God from Arabia, he appointed his son as regent and set out to meet him. He embraced Islam at the hand of the Prophet, and when returning home, at the direction of the Prophet, died at the port of Zafar, Yemen, where the tomb of the “Indian king” was piously visited for many centuries.” The Holy Quran makes the following reference to the miracle of Holy Prophet –


 Imam Abu Hanifah was the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Al Imam al A’zam (the Great Imam), as he is referred to by those who adore him, was the first to define the processes that govern usool e Fiqh (the principles of Fiqh). He preceded Imam Malik by ten years, Imam Shafii by a generation and Imam Ahmed by a hundred years.  Imam Abu Haneefa studied with Imam Ja’afar as Sadiq.  In turn, the other great Imams had the benefit of the legacy of Imam Abu Haneefa when they took on the monumental task of codifying Fiqh. He was born in the city of Kufa in Iraq, during the reign of the powerful Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan. His father, Thabit bin Zuta, a trader from Kabul, Afghanistan, was 40 years old at the time of Abū Ḥanīfah’s birth. His ancestry is generally accepted as being of non-Arab origin as suggested by the etymology of the names of his grandfather (Zuta) and great-grandfather (Mah). The historian, Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, records a state


Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year. It is held to be the second holiest month, following Ramadan. The word "Muharram" means "forbidden". Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar. The tenth day of Muharram is the Day of Ashura, which to Shia Muslims is part of the Mourning of Muharram. Sunni Muslims fast during this day, because it is recorded in the hadith that Musa (A.S) and his people obtained a victory over the Egyptian Pharaoh on the 10th day of Muharram; accordingly Prophet Muhammad (S.A) asked Muslims to fast on this day that is Ashura and on a day before that is 9th (called Tasu'a). Shia Muslims during Muharram do different things and with different intentions. Shia Muslims observe and respect Muharram as the month that martyred Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet (S.A) and son of Ali, in the Battle of K


 Haji Ali Dargah is the complex housing the tomb of the Muslim Saint Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari (R.A.). Along with the tomb, there is also a Masjid at Haji Ali. This monument has been sentinel to the shores of Mumbai since a long time. Sayyed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari, who gave up all his worldly possessions before making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Hailing from Bukhara (present day Uzbekistan), Bukhari travelled around the world in the early to mid 15th century, and then settled in present day Mumbai. Once the Saint saw a poor woman crying on the road, holding an empty vessel. He asked her what the problem was, she sobbed that her husband would thrash her as she stumbled and accidentally spilled the oil she was carrying. He asked her to take him to the spot where she spilt the oil. There, he jabbed a finger into the soil and the oil gushed out. The overjoyed woman filled up the vessel and went home. Later, Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari had a recurring and disturbing dream that he had injured E


 The Beautiful Dargah Shareef of Hazrat Ishaq Madani (R.A) is located adjacent to Sea Shore with a beautiful view of mountains and seashore with a breath-taking view of ships and submarines entering and leaving the harbor. This is the Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Syed Ali Ishaq Madani Aulia (R.A) in Visakhapatnam, A.P India. Hazrat Ishaq Madani (R.A) came from Madina (Saudi) and was the first great Muslim saint in the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh. The Dargah Shareef is at the beautiful location at the top of a Hill, which is adjacent to the sea Harbor and there is a flight of wide steps leading up to the Dargah Shareef. A stone found in this Dargah Shareef is recorded by Epigraphy Department of Govt of India, indicates that the burial took place in the year 1257 AD, from which it is evident that the Dargah Shareef existed even before 1257. The Dargah of Hazrat Ishaq Madina (R.A) is the oldest building in Visakhapatnam built before 1257, which houses the Mazaar e Mubarak (mausoleum) of Haz


 This Dargah stands in between the beautiful hills of Aravali. Baba Badam Shah was born at Galib village of Mainpuri district (UP) in 1870. He began his spiritual journey at the age of 14. Baba got attracted towards spirituality after he came in contact with Saint Prem Das. Baba left his home and family in order to gain knowledge of spiritual world. Saint Prem Das didn’t accept baba as his disciple and told him that he’ll meet his spiritual guru at Ajmer. Baba worked as a ward boy, served in military then finally left job and went to Ajmer. He served at Khwaja Garib Nawaz shrine for 5 years waiting for his spiritual guru and one fine day he met Sayyad Mohammad Nizam ul Haq who accepted him as his disciple. After his spiritual training he was ordered to be completely involved in prayers and serving mankind. People from distant places started visiting Baba for his guidance and help and got benefits. Baba treated all visitors in a similar way irrespective of their castes and religions. Th