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Madina is the most sacred city for Muslims after Makkah that is visited by millions of people for more than a thousand years now. Madinah is one of the most visited metropolises in the world. The holiest city is also known by other names including Tabah, Taibah or Yathrib and gain significance when Holy Prophet ﷺ choose this city as His settling place when migrate from Makkah. Since than the religious city held special importance and significance in the hearts of Muslims scattered across the world. Masjid e Qa-ba, the first ever mosque built in Islamic history and the renowned Masjid Ul-Nabwi are also located in the city of Madina. Prophet’s ﷺ Mosque after the Haram Sharif in Makkah is the most visited place of worship by Muslims. Madinah is the favorite city of our beloved Prophet ﷺ as He ﷺ called this city His ﷺ home.

Originally the name of Madina was Yathrib, an oasis city dating back in 6th century BCE. In the 3rd century when war happens between Jews and Romans, many Jews move from Jerusalem and migrated to their ancestral place Yathrib. A massive Roman force was sent by Nero to massacre the Jews in 213 CE. But the community survived and continues living. At the time when Holy Prophet migrated towards Madina, there were large numbers of Jews in the city. At the time of migration of Prophet ﷺ, Madina was a divided city and different religions and clans were eternally quarrelling but Allah’s Apostle bought unity to the city. All the parties of time agreed to pact drawn up by Muhammad ﷺ and His followers. Prophet ﷺ invited all the people in the city and give message of the true religion of Islam. Most of the people happily agreed to Him but He face difficulty convincing Jews that Islam is the true version of Judaism.

Muslims believed that Madina is eternally blessed city as Allah Almighty chose its ground as the final resting place for His Apostle, Muhammad ﷺ. Located almost 250 km east of the eminent Red Sea, in North Western Saudi Arabia and commonly known as Madina al Munawrah.  At the time of Prophet ﷺ the entire city was approximately the size of the current Masjid and the surrounding white tiled area. Allah SWT bestowed the favorite city of His Messenger with very fertile land and plenty of water resources. These blessings makes the ancient city a gorgeous desert oasis surrounded by dry and rugged mountains from three sides. Hazrat Anas RA narrated that; Whenever Muhammad ﷺ returned from a voyage and observed the walls of Madina, He ﷺ make his mount go fast or if He was on an animal, HE would make it gallop because of His love for the city of Madina. Muhammad ﷺ said, “For the follower, Madina is the superlative place on earth. Only when they could realize its virtue, they would never leave it and whoever departs from this city, having become embittered with it. Allah Almighty will send someone better to replace him. And whoever stands patiently the ordeals of Madina, for him shall I be an arbitrator on the Day of Resurrection”.

Hazrat Bibi Ayesha RA narrated that, when we migrated to Madina, the city unhealthy and uncongenial place. Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and Bilal RA fell sick and Prophet SAWW worried about the illness of His companions and said, “O Allah, make this city (Madina) conducive to health and bless us in its sa’ and mudd”.

According to another Hadith describing the importance of Madina,

“There will be no other place on earth except Makkah and Madina in which Ad-Dajjal will not enter. There will be no entering but the angels will be standing in rows shielding it against him and then Madina will wobble with its populaces thrice and Allah will eject all the non-believers and the charlatans from it”.

It was reported by Abu Huraira that Messenger of Allah said,

“Verily, Trust returns and goes back to Madina as a snake returns and goes back to its hole”.

During the ten years following the migration, Madina formed the base from which Muhammad ﷺ attacked and was attacked and it was also the city from where He ﷺ marched on Makkah, becoming its ruler without war. After the establishment of Islamic rule, Madina remains most important city for some years and the de facto capital of caliphate. During the time of first four caliphs, Islamic empire expanded rapidly but when fourth caliph Ali RA passed away, Muawiyya transferred the capital from Madina to Damascus and Holy city became more religious than a political hub.

During the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Madina al Munawrah was the important center of trade and commerce because of its vicinity to natural trade routes and path connecting with the Syrian and Egyptian markets. The city is truly ancient, enriched with unique civilization and great history spanning thousands of years before the Prophet Isa A.S. the multicultural populace is the reason why Madina is so distinct and unique. The city willingly welcome all the visitors came across the globe and also because of its ancient and unmatchable legacy. The nooks of Madina still reverberate with the teachings of Muhammad ﷺ even after the 1400 years. There are many reasons that make Madina a notorious city where cultures intermingles and fuse, a city where people learn and share knowledge with each other as well as receives both temporal and spiritual explanation in the process.

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I just want to be there. Always and forever..  In the comfort of the city of my beloved Salallahu alayhi wa sallam..  In the serenity of Taiba… O the one who receives an invitation to Madinah,  You are more fortunate than anyone in this world…  Every day in Madinah is blessed…  Every breath you take in Madinah is blessed…  Every blink of an eye in Madinah is blessed…  Every gaze on the Blessed Green Dome is from the fortunes of Paradise…  O the one who receives an invitation to Madinah, blessed are you, so envious I am of you… Every Salaam you say, every greeting you greet with, every word you utter is more blessed than my existence in any other place…  اللهم كما رزقتنا سكني المدينة، فلا تحرمنا حسن الخاتمة فيها، والدفن في بقيتها، اللهم لا تبعدنا عن المدينة احياء و امواتا.. آمين O Allah, like how You have sustained us with staying in Madinah, then do not deprive us of a good end in it and being buried in its Baqi, O Allah, do not make us far from Madinah while we alive or while we are d