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Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year. It is held to be the second holiest month, following Ramadan. The word "Muharram" means "forbidden". Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.

The tenth day of Muharram is the Day of Ashura, which to Shia Muslims is part of the Mourning of Muharram. Sunni Muslims fast during this day, because it is recorded in the hadith that Musa (A.S) and his people obtained a victory over the Egyptian Pharaoh on the 10th day of Muharram; accordingly Prophet Muhammad (S.A) asked Muslims to fast on this day that is Ashura and on a day before that is 9th (called Tasu'a).

Shia Muslims during Muharram do different things and with different intentions. Shia Muslims observe and respect Muharram as the month that martyred Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet (S.A) and son of Ali, in the Battle of Karbala. They mourn for Hussein ibn Ali and refrain from all joyous events. Unlike Sunni Muslims, Shias do not fast on the 10th day of Muharram. In addition there is an important Ziyarat book, the Ziyarat Ashura about Hussein ibn Ali. In the Shia sect it is popular to read this ziyarat on the "Day of Ashura", although most of the Shias try to read Ziyarat Ashura every day and they send salutations to Hussein ibn Ali.

The first month, Muharram, is one of the four sacred months that Allah has mentioned in the Quran: Muharram, Rajab, Dhu al-Qa'adh, and Dhu al-Hijjah. Even before Islam came, Quraish and Arabs as a whole knew the sanctity of the months and were forbidden to wage wars on those months. With the sighting of the new moon the Islamic New Year is ushered in.

Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophit (S.A).

Shiite begin mourning from the first night of Muharram and continue for ten nights, climaxing on the 10th of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura. The last few days up until and including the Day of Ashura are the most important because these were the days in which Imam Hussein and his family and followers (including women, children and elderly people) were deprived of water from the 7th onward and on the 10th, Imam Hussain and 72 of his followers were killed by the army of Yazid I at the Battle of Karbala on Yazid's orders. The surviving members of Imam Hussein's family and those of his followers were taken captive, marched to Damascus, and imprisoned there.

Since the Islamic lunar calendar year is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year, Muharram migrates throughout the solar years.

Incidents occurred during this month

01 Muharram: anniversary of the death of Hazrat Ammasaheb Bibi Habiba Qadri in India; Birth of the Báb (forerunner of the Bahá'í Faith) in 1235 AH. Seizure of the Grand Mosque in AH 1400.

02 Muharram: Hussein ibn Ali enters Karbala and establishes camp. Yazid's forces are present. Birth of Bahá'u'lláh (founder of the Bahá'í Faith) in 1233 AH.

7thMuharram: Access to water was banned to Husayn ibn Ali by Yazid's orders.

10th Muharram: Referred to as the Day of Ashurah (lit. "the tenth") was the day on which Hussein ibn Ali was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Shia Muslims spend the day in mourning, whilst the Sunni Muslims fast on this day commemorating the rescue of the people of Israel by Musa (Moses) from Pharaoh

Many Sufi Muslims fast for the same reason as the Sunnis mentioned above, but also for the martyred people in Karbala, they pray for them and send upon them peace and blessings.

15 Muharram: Birth of Muhammad Sirajuddin Naqshbandi in 1297 AH (1879-1880 AD)

25 Muharram: Zayn al-‘Abidin, fourth Shia Imam was martyred by Marvanian in 95 AH (714 AD).

27 Muharram, Maytham al-Tammar was martyred.

28 Muharram: Death anniversary Urs of Ashraf Jahangir Semnani in 808 AH (1405 AD) a great Sufi saint in India.

Death anniversary Urs of Baba Farid, a great Sufi saint in Pakistan for six days in Muharram.

Activities during Muharram: The celebration of Muharram begins from the first day of month Muharram and it continuing for 10 days. On this occasion Some Muslims put on black clothes, as black is regarded as a color of sadness.

During the entire 10 day period, they keep themselves away from music and all joyous events (e.g. weddings) that can divert them in anyway from the sorrowful remembrance of that day.

During each of the first nine days of Muharram, "Majalis" (assemblies) are held where Shia orators vividly depict the incident of the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain.

The Day of Ashura: Ashura is the last day of the festival. Ahura is a highly important day for both sects of Islam - the Shias and the Sunnis. Here are some rituals that are optional for the day of Ashurah:

1. To observe fast on this day.

2. To give as much gifts as you can pay for.

3. To perform Nafl Salat prayers.

4. To perform Surah Ikhlas 1000 times.

5. To place a hand of affection on an orphan's head.

6. To put surma in one's eyes.

7. To take a bath.

8. To cut one's nails.

9. To establish friendly ties with one's enemies.

10. To perform Ashurah

On Ashura, Some Muslims gather and arrange large processions. They parade on the streets holding posters and carrying models of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his followers, who cut down at Karbala. Some Shia sects observe Ashura by beating themselves with chains, cutting themselves with knives and sharp things. This is an appearance of sorrow death of their favorite leader Hussain, considered to be the representative of Allah.

It is a sad occasion and everyone in the procession chants "Ya Hussain", wailing loudly. Generally a white horse is beautifully decorated and included in the procession. Drinking posts are also set up temporarily by the Shia community where water and juices are served to all, free of charge.

While Shia Muslims consider Muharram to be a sorrowful occasion, Sunni Muslims observe it as a festival and look at Ashura as a happy day though the religious aspect remains intact.

Religious Sunnis keep a fast ("Roza") on Ashura as per the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A). Usually, Sunni Muslims are recommended to fast either on the 9th and 10th of Muharram.

Muslim community spread through out the all states of India. So, in the time of the festival season of Muharram they celebrate the festival in their locality

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