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Top10 Muslim Countries Populations

 10 Countries with the Largest Muslim Populations, PEW Research Centre (projections as of 2010) Rank Country Population 1 Indonesia 209,120,000 2 India 176,200,000 3 Pakistan 167,410,000 4 Bangladesh 134,430,000 5 Nigeria 77,300,000 6 Egypt 76,990,000 7 Iran 73,570,000 8 Turkey 71,330,000 9 Algeria 34,730,000 10 Morocco 31,930,000

Masjid Biah/Masjid Uqbah

 Masjid Biah/Uqbah is located in Mina, near Jamarat. It is here that the Ansar of Madinah, who were of the Banu Khazraj and the Banu Aws tribes, pledged their allegiance with Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

Al-Khaif Mosque

 Al-Khaif Mosque is located in Mina. Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) prayed here during hajj. Pilgrims also pray in this Mosque during their stay at Mina.

Nimra Mosque

 Nimra mosque is located next to Mount Arafat. Part of the mosque is actually within the borders of Mount Arafat.

Taneem Mosque (Masjid Ayesha)

 The mosque is roughly 4.5 miles (7.2 km) from Masjid al-Haram. This mosque is also known as Masjid Ayesha. “When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) performed his pilgrimage, he advised his companions to start with the Umrah and wait for the pilgrimage days to start on their major duty. However, Ayesha was on her menstrual period and was unable to perform the Umrah on her arrival. When she mentioned to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that she would go back having performed the pilgrimage only while others did both duties, he told her brother to take her to the nearest point outside of the Haram area. He took her to Taneem where she started her Ihram again and came back to perform the Umrah.

Zam Zam Well

 Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) created the well to provide Hajira, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (peace be upon him), and her baby Prophet Ismail (Ishmael) (peace be upon him) with water in the hot and dry valley they were in. In her desperate search for water, Hajira ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwa to provide for her baby who was dying of thirst. The Zamzam Well is located approximately 20 meters (66 ft) east of the Kaaba.


 It is in this city of Mina near Mecca that the Hajj pilgrims perform the ritual stoning of the Devil (ramy al-jamarat) on the last day of the Hajj. Mina is best known for the role it plays during the annual Hajj pilgrimage when its tent cities provided by the Saudi government give temporary accommodation to millions of visiting pilgrims. In the low lying Mina valley is the Jamarat Valley. Three pillars stand here, representing Satan or the Devil, the perpetrator of all evil. The pilgrims denounce sin and stone these pillars, pledging allegiance to God and virtue. Pilgrims cast stones at them which is performed between sunrise and sunset on the last day of the Hajj.

Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone)

 Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone) is situated on the south-eastern corner of the holy Kaaba which marks the starting and finishing point for circling the Kaaba (known as tawaaf). Today, only parts of the stone are present; consisting of 8 pieces of varying sizes. These are affixed to a larger stone, encased in a silver frame and attached to the corner of the Kaaba about 1.5 meters above the ground. Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) informed us of three main virtues of the Stone: 1) Allah sent it down to earth from paradise whiter than milk; however the sins of mankind turned it black. 2) It will come on the Day of Judgment with two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak and will testify for those who have touched it in truth and sincerity. 3) Touching the Stone is also one of the means by which Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) erases sins.

Ghar al-Thawr (Cave of Thawr)

 This is the cave in Mountain Thawr that the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) took refuge. The Quraish people almost entered the cave because they believed that Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was in there. But since Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) commanded a spider to spin a web from a bush across the entrance of the cave and Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) also commanded two doves to fly down between the spider and the tree, make a nest and lay eggs. When the pursuers reached close to the cave’s entrance they thought it was impossible that someone could have entered the cave without ruining the spider web.

Jabal Thawr (Thawr Mountain)

 Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) took refuge in Cave of Thawr from the Quraysh during their migration to Madinah. It is in this mountain that the houses the cave where Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) stayed for three days and nights fleeing persecution from the Quraysh during their migration to Madinah. The mountain is at the southern end of Mecca and rises about 760 meters above sea level.

Cave of Hira

 On Jabal al-Nour is Ghar Hira (Cave of Hira). It is a small cave about 3.5 meters long and a little over 1.5 meters wide. It’s in this cave that Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) found the solitude he needed to meditate. The Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would come here to find solitude. In the year 610, when Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was 40 years old, he received his first divine revelation from Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) through Angel Jibreel. When Angel Jibreel, appeared to him he said, Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not. Holy Quran (Al Alaq 96: 1-5).

Jabal al-Nour (The Mountain Of Light)

 Where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his first revelation Jabal al-Nour is located in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia, just outside of Mecca. Jabal al-Nour translates to “Mountain of Light.” Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) received his first revelation from Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) through Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) in the Hira cave which is on this mountain. Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to climb this mountain often even before receiving his fist revelation from Allah (the Glorified and Exalted).

Masjid al-Haram (The Holy Mosque)

 Masjid al-Haram was built around the Kaaba. It is also the largest mosque in the world. It was first built under the leadership of the Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644) and has been modified continuously under several Muslim rulers. Omar, the first Caliph, ordered the demolition of some houses surrounding the Kaaba in order to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims and built a 1.5 meter high wall to delineate a large prayer area. During the reign of his successor Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan (644-656), the prayer space was enlarged and was covered with a roof carried on wooden columns and arches. In 692, after Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan conquered Mecca from Ibn Zubayr, the guardian of the holy site, the outer walls of the mosque were raised, the ceiling was covered with teak and the column capitals were painted in gold. His son, al-Walid (705-715), contributed to the Mosque of al-Haram by replacing the wooden columns with marble ones and by decorating its arches with mosaics. Lat


 The very first construction of the Kaaba was done by Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his son Ismail as a house of worship to one God. Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says in the Quran that this was the first house that was built for humanity to worship Allah (the Glorified and Exalted). Soon after Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) died, people started filling the Kaaba with idols. It was not until Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) defeated the idol-worshipers that the idols inside the Kaaba were destroyed. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction. This circumambulation (Tawaf), is also performed by pilgrims during Umrah. Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are. This is ca

Parenting: Nurture your Child Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically

 Parenting is a great time in one’s life. As far as parenting is concerned, it is a challenging and lovely responsibility. There are a number of different needs that a person has in his or her life. That needs may be physical, mental or spiritual. A parent should give the correct path to his child on how to fulfil these needs by the time. Good parenting is all about meeting all these needs of a child in a balanced and correct order. Many parents think that, by meeting the physical and material needs of their children, all their responsibilities are complete. No! You have to make them learn how to lead a life with spirituality and kindness. Normally, if a parent is very much busy with his job or something else, he tries to manage the needs of his child by gifting everything that is possible with money power. By doing this, you are spoiling your child’s great future. So, every parent should find some time to pay attention to his child and to love him or her with affection and care. Each


"No one understands the value of the birthday (Moulid), except the one who understands the value of the one who was born (Moulid)." - Habib Umar bin Hafiz (Hafida'ullah) Mawlid Un-Nabi ﷺ


 The Prophet ﷺ said, 'You will be with the one that you love [on the Final Day]. Sayyiduna Anas (R.A) said that was the happiest day of our lives because we love Rasūlallāh ﷺ, Abu Bakr and Umar and I hope that I will be with them because of my love for them — even if my actions can't reach their actions. We bear witness that we love the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his Family and Companions


 Let’s be honest, we’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve struggled to wake up for Fajr. In fact, some of us are continually struggling with waking up early in the morning, even though it frustrates us or even ruins our mornings. So then, how do you make sure that you wake up for Fajr early every morning without fail?  The easiest way to wake up early before Fajr or to wake up on time, is to get enough sleep the night before. Although that’s the most effective way to ensure you don’t miss Salatul Fajr, it maybe over simplifying it. So in this article we will discuss 7 different ways that you can help yourself to make sure that you get up for Fajr consistently every day. But first of all, it’s important to understand why you need to get up for Fajr and what the benefits are. These are the blessings that we MISS OUT on when we don’t get up for Fajr. THE BENEFITS OF GETTING UP EARLY FOR FAJR 1.  It’s very important to understand that your Fajr is connected to the purpose of your life.


One day, Rasulullah ﷺ was approached by an old man. He informed him that he had been migrated and desperately needs food and clothes. Unfortunately, Rasulullah ﷺ had nothing to give him and then told him to go to the Sayyidah Fatimah’s house. It has been three days since Fatimah and her family had nothing to eat, she could only give the old man a skin that she used to cover her sons with. But the old man refused it, he said the skin wouldn’t help his hunger. So Fatimah unfastened her necklace, she gives it to him and said that it would be a solution to his problem. The old man returned to Rasulullah ﷺ and told him that Fatimah gave him her necklace, Rasulullah cried upon hearing the generosity of his beloved daughter. Ammar Ibn Yasir, who had been watching, immediately asked for permission to buy the necklace to Rasulullah. The Messenger of Allah allowed him to buy it and told him whoever buys the necklace will be saved from Hellfire. Ammar Ibn Yasir asked the old man for the price and


“Every Prophet has an assistant, and my assistant will be Usman.”(Hadees) When ‘Umar (R.A) fell under the assassin’s dagger, before he died the people asked him to nominate his successor. ‘Umar (R.A) appointed a committee consisting of six of the ten companions of the Prophet ﷺ about whom the Prophet had said, “They are the people of Heaven” – Ali (R.A), Usman (R.A), Abdul Rahman (R.A), Sa’ad (R.A), Al-Zubair (R.A) and Twalha (R.A)- to select the next Caliph from among themselves. He also outlined the procedure to be followed if any differences of opinion should arise. Abdul Rahman (R.A) withdrew his name. He was then authorized by the committee to nominate the Caliph. After two days of discussion among the candidates and after the opinions of the Muslims in Medina had been ascertained, the choice was finally limited to Usman (R.A)and Ali (R.A). Abdul Rahman (R.A)came to the mosque together with other Muslims, and after a brief speech and questioning of the two men, swore allegiance to


1One Simple Method for Memorising Pages of the Quran. Read the first line 10 times. Repeat the line to yourself. Read the next line 10 times. Repeat the line to yourself. Now read these two lines together, three times. Repeat these two lines to yourself. Read the third line 10 times. Repeat the line to yourself. Now read the three lines together, three times. Repeat these three lines to yourself. Continue doing this to the end of the page. Now read this page 20 times.   ( If you have Trouble with a word, read that word, with the word before it and the word after it, 10 times. Repeat to yourself. Then read the whole line 10 times and repeat to yourself. )  May Allah (swt) richly bless your efforts to learn and spread the message of the Quran. Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. [from Al-Quran, 3:79]


 IHajj is one of the pillars of our faith.  Hajj is the pilgrimage to the Holy land of Makkah. It is enjoined on a Muslim to go at least once in his life if one has the means. This means you would need to commit financially, physically and spiritually and also be of sound mind. This post would help you figure out where to start in preparing for Hajj and even some resources. The pilgrimage takes place in the last month of Islamic calendar Dhul-Hijjah and the rites are performed between the 8th and 12th days of the month. As it follows the lunar calendar, the dates change every year. The rites of Hajj date back to the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). And while performing hajj, one would walk the path the blessed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ walked. Hajj is a total transformational experience. SubhanAllah! it is truly the journey of a lifetime. You become washed of your sins and have a renewed faith. It goes beyond the rites of pilgrimage too. You find that you learn so much about yourself. Should you be ble


 Ali Banat is a sydney born who was diagnosed with Cancer and doctors have given him only 7 months to live. Despite his circumstances, he considers this a gift from Allah. Ali Banat, is a young man who, in his own words, was “gifted” with a stage 4 cancer throughout his body. He was given just a few months to live but took this great test as an opportunity to change his life. Upon receiving this news he immediately sold his business, gave up his lavish lifestyle and prized possessions and began a new mission to give up his Dunya and work for his Akhira. Ali has humbly dedicated the remainder of his life to helping those who are far less fortunate than him and in doing so, set up the charity MATW Project (Muslims Around The World) which has already changed the lives of so many. Being diagnosed with cancer is like death sentence for many. But this is not the way Australian Muslim Ali Ali Banat sees it. For him, the sickness is unquestionably a gift from Allah. “At this point in my life,


Madina is the most sacred city for Muslims after Makkah that is visited by millions of people for more than a thousand years now. Madinah is one of the most visited metropolises in the world. The holiest city is also known by other names including Tabah, Taibah or Yathrib and gain significance when Holy Prophet ﷺ choose this city as His settling place when migrate from Makkah. Since than the religious city held special importance and significance in the hearts of Muslims scattered across the world. Masjid e Qa-ba, the first ever mosque built in Islamic history and the renowned Masjid Ul-Nabwi are also located in the city of Madina. Prophet’s ﷺ Mosque after the Haram Sharif in Makkah is the most visited place of worship by Muslims. Madinah is the favorite city of our beloved Prophet ﷺ as He ﷺ called this city His ﷺ home. Originally the name of Madina was Yathrib, an oasis city dating back in 6th century BCE. In the 3rd century when war happens between Jews and Romans, many Jews move fro


 The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born in the same year in which Abraha of Yemen attacked the Ka‘bah. Historian Mahmud Pasha Falki, the renowned mathematician, has calculated this year to be 571 CE, agreed upon by many authentic works on the history of Arabia. The date is said to be around 20 April on the Gregorian calendar, while the dates marked on the Islamic calendar are estimated to be on or between 9 and 12 Rabi‘ al-Awwal. The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was called to prophethood by Allah the Almighty at the age of 40 and from then started the most remarkable chapter of human history, a brief sketch of which is outlined below: The Meccan Years: 1st year – 610 : Beginning of the revelation of the Holy Quran 5th year – 614 : First migration to Abyssinia 7th year – 615 : Siege of Shi‘b Abu Talib; The miracle of the splitting of the moon 10th year – 619 : Demise of Hazrat Khadijara and Hazrat Abu Talib; The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Nikah with Hazrat Aisha (R.a) and Hazrat Saudah (R.a) Jour


Salah, also called namaz, is the second pillar of Islam and a daily obligation upon all Muslims above baligh (mature) age. Salah plays a fundamental role in the Islamic faith and in this guide, we will explore the most important facets of the second pillar of Islam, including the meaning of salah, when you should be performing salah and what benefits salah can provide. What Does Salah Mean?:  Salah is defined as the act of offering prayers to Allah SWT. Literally translated, salah can mean prayer or supplication and is generally considered the act of worshipping Allah SWT; an act which is specifically mentioned in the Holy Qur’an with a variety of rules and guidelines surrounding it. Performing Salah:  The process of performing salah is complex. Muslims must be wearing specific types of clothing which keep areas of their body covered, face Mecca before beginning and must recite phrases and passages from the Qur’an at certain points. Daily salah prayers tend to follow a similar structur


  Allah tests those He love. “It is He who created death and life to test which of you are best in deeds, for He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.” (Qur'an 67:2). It could be that you dislike something, when it is good for you; and it could be that you like something when it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know. Quran 2:216 When we shift our perspective from what Allah is doing to us, to what Allah is doing for us, we are able to see that although Allah may not always give us what we want, He will always give us exactly what we need He gives your people to love you, leave you, Inspire you, doubt you and to believe in you He tests us to strengthen our Imaan an make us stronger When Allah test his servants its because He wants to raise His rank in Jannah Prophet (ﷺ) says: "If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials" [Imam Bukhari] We don't know what is good or bad for us and we cannot see the future, so whatever Allah decrees on us, we


 The person who is faced with hardship due to his daughters, and makes Sabr(is patient), then his daughters will be a pardah (curtain) between him and the Hell-fire. Messenger of Allah Said, Anyone who has three daughters and provides for them, clothes them and shows mercy to them will definitely enter the Haven. " A man from the people said, "And two daughters, Messenger of Allah?" He (ﷺ)  Said, "And two." When a boy is born, then he brings one Noor(light) and when a girl is born, then she brings two noor (light). When a girl is born to a family, then between the parents and hell, there shall be a distance of five hundred years. When parents rejoice at the birth of a daughter, this is greater than making Tawaf of the Kaaba seventy times. Rejoice on the birth of your daughters, love and guide them and give them that which is due to them from your belongings. Do not deprive them of their inheritance as they also have say in this. Remember! Daughters are a blessi


 Even if your sins were to reach the clouds in the sky, I would forgive you’ [Sunan al-Tirmdhi] These words are a heartwarming and hopeful reminder of one of the 99 names of Allah: Ar-Rahman – The Most Merciful. No matter what you do, how big the sin is, how deep you have fallen, if you call out to him, He will respond and He will forgive you.


 Everything around you is a witness for you, when you engage in the remembrance of Allah. The land, the mountains and the ground will testify for you on the day of judgment. Increase those witnesses for yourself for that day” ‎[الوابل الصيب - ٨١]


 Once, the Prophet (ﷺ) was reading verse 36 from Surah Ibrahim, which recalls the doa of Prophet Ibrahim who asked for Allah” to guide his people. Rasulullah (ﷺ) then read verse 118 from surah Al-Maidah which is about Nabi Isa’s hope that Allah will not punish his people. At that point, tears flowed from Rasulullah’s eyes. As he wept, the Prophet (ﷺ) prayed to Allah, "Oh Allah, my ummah, my ummah," full of hope that Allah s.w.t. will protect his ummah and keep them in His guidance and save them from Hellfire. Allah s.w.t.then sent Jibril a.s. to ask the Prophet (ﷺ) why did he cry. When He was told of the Prophet’s wish – and indeed Allah is All Knowing – Allah asked Jibril to convey to the Prophet (ﷺ)“Indeed, We will please you regarding your Ummah, and We will not cause you to grieve.”


 A CITY OF NEW DREAMS. Markaz Knowledge City is a vision of a new future. It is a collective attempt of multiple actors - scholars, scientists, students, and self-motivated representatives of new thoughts. Apart from being a distinctive space, Markaz Knowledge City is also an idea of differences. Also built here is the biggest mosque in kerala. It's completely Nature friendly weather here. More information visit here: . 


 Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin (R.A.) - Sarwar Sharif : was the eldest son of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) who earned his livelihood by farming in Mandal town. He was a great saint and a scholar as well . After twenty years of Khwaja Sahib. (R.A.) death he died in Sarwar town, some 40 miles away from Ajmer. His Mazar is located near a pond in the town. His Uroos is celebrated on the 3rd of Shaban every year with great fervour. He was blessed with five sons. One of his sons, Hazrat Khwaja Hussamuddin was a perfect Sufi. His grave is at Sanbar Sharif. Every year on 13 and 14 Rajab Urs is organised.


 Tawakkal Shah Mastan Vali is considered by his followers to be a Sufi saint from the Suharwardia Order of the 17th century. He is a disciple of the Sufi order of Baba Fakruddin of Penukonda. Haider Ali initiated work on the dargah in 1777, which was completed in 1783 by Tipu Sultan. The shrine is dedicated to Sufi Saint Hazrat Tawakkal Mastan Baba. The story goes that when Hyder Ali Khan ascended the throne, he wanted to replace the mud walls of the Kalasipalyam fort with stone walls. Three men -- Hazrath Tipu Mastan, Hazarath Manik Mastan and Hazrath Tawakkal Mastan -- came to Bangalore and joined the work force. They were laborers by day and spent the night in prayer without accepting any wages. A puzzled Hyder wanted to get to the bottom of it. Investigations revealed that the trio went to a mosque in Kumbarpet after work and slept there. When an official went to the mosque to look for them, he saw no one there, only three parts of a human body, with two dogs standing guard. Hyder